Fresno Seniors |
Index |
About |
Progress |
Phone: (559) 453-3691
Primary e-mail
Address: (for interested parties)
Brandon Dorman
1717 S. Chestnut Ave. #255
Fresno, CA 93702
History |
Fresno Seniors was dreamed up in late
October, 2001 by the members of the Fresno Pacific club SIFE.
I, Brandon Dorman, the website guy here, am a juniorat Fresno Pacific
University. I wanted to do something
to help those around me with computers after joining the Open Source Now group,
which led me to join the Digital
Network, which led me to my SIFE chapter,
who wanted to do something for the senior citizens
next door to our university. SIFE is a national student
organization, with a focus on business and ethics.
Soon I began to talk to people about the
idea, then make some phone calls, write some e-mails, do some
organizing, and before I knew it, there were two computers at the
Senior Citizens Village to show for it. It is totally a project where
all it took was a little push, and God took care of the rest. Then we
began to train them in February of 2002. We were
called Seniors Crossing
the Digital Divide (or SCDD) for a long time, and changed the name to
Seniors in late 2002 to better reflect our mission. However the
name is a good one, defining our purpose, so the logo has stuck around
this website as a good reminder of our past. At the present time
there are 12 computers and 3 volunteers. About $1000 has been
spent, with about $700 coming from donations and Fresno Pacific Student
Ministries, the rest was from a Stanford grant received in 2002.
I wrote a paper for my psychology class
about the effects of aging on memory. It can be here. |
A paper on the effects of group interaction
on self-efficacy (basically, what we're doing here, using group
training to
improve Seniors' feelings of power about themselves) is here: