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It has been QUITE a while since the last update.  There were a few Fresno Seniors updates sent out, but in a nutshell:
The lab got a few more things (printer, etc) but the coolest part was getting the Router to connect all of the computers through our free DSL!  It's SO exciting!  Well as I write this it hasn't happened yet, but I'm going to work on it tomorrow.  There's also finally a few volunteers.


        The lab is currently operating Mondays and Wednesdays from
11:30-12:30.  Recently a very nice computer desk was anonymously donated
to us, so soon we will be doing some redecorating to free up space.  It
will look quite nice I think.  Four seniors come regularly, and when I
stopped by over Christmas break to work on the computers, I found one
using a computer playing solitaire! 

        I need to get on the ball with getting DSL access in there again.  I
have some more "8-5" hours free this semester (When businesses are
open.) so should be able to start that soon.

        I have expressed how there was not enough power to run all of the
computers.  Today I found in a nearby cubicle another power outlet with
two plugs!  It shouldn't be hard to run extension cords to where we need
them with surge protectors and more connections.  So that was very

        I've gone on a spending spree recently.  I bought some networking
equipment for about half the lab, and got some of it to work.  Windows
95 isn't the best operating environment for that though, I am looking at
either upgrading them or going another route.  I also got a modem
because our current AOL-connected computer is a Pentium 75 with 16mb
ram... not exactly the greatest Internet machine.  So I'll install a
modem on one of the P266 machines from the county, much faster.
        Last night I bought a computer to act as our server.  It was only about
$300, and will be able to handle being a web server (once we get DSL)
totally eliminating a monthly fee for hosting, and also a mail server
(so they can have easy to access, non web-based e-mail), and a
file/print server so they can use any computer and have access to their
documents.  I'm excited about it, as once it's installed, I'll be able
to most stuff remotely, which could come in handy if I decide to study
abroad sometime. 

        Basically we keep getting computers and there is no more room at the
Senior Citizens Village.  Because of this, FPU Sife has decided to
expand to Twilight Haven, the senior residences directly behind us.
It's a smaller complex, but they could still use a computer lab that is
easy for members to get to I'm sure.  I'll try to make contact with them
soon.  Thanks to all of you who keep offering computers!!